Use of the word 'inured'
My English TA commented on my word choice of inured. Is the way I'm using it incorrect?
Given Lilith’s other choices, she attempts to become comfortable with his looks
Given Lilith’s other choices, she attempts to become inured with his looks
Solution 1:
The word inure overlaps with comfort:
1 (usually be inured to) Accustom (someone) to something, especially something unpleasant:
these children have been inured to violenceODO
If you are using comfortable in the sense of accustomed to, it fits. Also, unlike comfortable with, but like accustomed to, inured to seems to be the preferable construction:
Solution 2:
Given Lilith’s other choices, she attempts to become inured with his looks
It would be "inured to", but inurement usually describes an involuntary process. You cannot really try; it just happens.