Word for something that is too idealistic and dangerous to pursue?

I am looking for a word that can be used to describe an effort or endeavour that is idealistic to the point of being dangerous and which is unwise to pursue. Perhaps, an example could be when people try to abstain from food for weeks and months in order to obtain a deeper spiritual consciousness but this act rather leads to near-death or emaciation.

The word would be different from quixotic as I believe quixotic represents a level of foolishness. And I want the word to convey danger or immoderation - something which is likely to lead to a collapse.

If this question has been asked before, I apologize!

Thank you!

EDIT: the word that I was thinking of might be used in a situation regardless of the possibility of self-denial. Another example: the word could represent the type of society which emphasizes maximal profits from work or optimal physical health but the pursuit of which would lead to eventual breakdown because people would lose time for other important things in life or become too narrowly focused on being fit.

*EDIT: thank you to all who contributed @davidblomstrom (special mention), @ermanen (great answer), @dcshannon (helpful research), @danbron (great follow-up), @edwin (the first to respond), @wayfaringstranger, @mystisinha, @ws2, @zibbobz, @nicole, @abathur, @peter, @bohica / @doorknob, @armen, @eatoin, @tessellatingheckler, @dafdarf and @eric! Hugs and Peace

Solution 1:

You can consider brinkmanship but it is usually used in political contexts.

the practice of causing or allowing a situation to become extremely dangerous in order to get the results that you want [MW]

However, this word can be used in other contexts as well and the below excerpt is about spiritual healing, similar to the first example you gave. (from the book Spiritual Development the Hard Way By Michael Maher):

Healing the deeper regions means submerging yourself into the psyche of another - seeing and feeling the world, and oneself, as they do. This is an art of brinkmanship, a spiritual adventure from which you will not emerge unchanged. At times the process of identification with the one you are helping becomes so strong that there is a real danger of losing yourself.

Additionally, idealism itself can become dangerous because it puts ideas over the material world and the fixed ideas of an idealist might bring harm to himself or others. Also, you can consider extreme idealism for a stronger term.

Solution 2:

Self-immolation is used for great personal sacrifice in the pursuit of a goal / cause.

It can involve the ultimate earthly sacrifice:

self-immolation: a deliberate and willing sacrifice of oneself often by fire [Merriam-Webster]

but need not be quite so drastic:

self-immolation: voluntary sacrifice or denial of oneself, as for an ideal or another person. [Dictionary.com]

Solution 3:

I am not sure if this will entirely answer your question, but I think a word which may help is ascetic (adj) or asceticism (noun).

The ODO defines the former as "characterised by severe self-discipline and abstention from all forms of indulgence, typically for religious reasons: an ascetic life of prayer, fasting and manual labour"

Not directly implied in the word is any notion of 'danger', though danger there may be in some ascetic practices which are ill considered.