Word for the sound made while vomiting

Which word can I use to describe the sound somebody makes while vomiting? Is burp the right word for it?

Solution 1:

I would say that the sound made by vomiting is retching. I've also seen retching noises or the sound of retching used in print to specify the sound instead of the action.

Mirriam-Webster online give this definition:

transitive verb
: vomit 1
intransitive verb
: to make an effort to vomit; also : vomit

I was having a great time until I heard the sound of retching and saw that my neighbor had just vomited on my new rug. I'm sending him the cleaning bill.

Ngram: enter image description here

Solution 2:

Blech or blarg(h), with extra Hs for extra effect.

Some Google Image Search results for blargh:


