How do gang claims interact with the alcoholics group therapy program?

With the newly arrived version Alpha 35, gangs can claim yards and common rooms, which means that members of other gangs can no longer use them without getting attacked and non-gang prisoners need to pay when they use it.

How does this feature interact with the alcoholics group therapy program? This program is held by the psychologist in a commons room. What happens when that room is claimed by a gang?

Will members of other gangs be able to attend safely? Will non-gang prisoners have to pay to attend? Will my psychologist be safe?

While in reality, none of your staff (if they interact with prisoners) are ever safe, the psychologist is only in any real danger if there's a gang fight in the common room at the time of the class. I'm not exactly sure if a prisoner's gang status is put on hold during a class session, but a controlling gang member may stop an opposing gang member from ever entering the room in the first place.