What are the buffs in this vanilla wow screenshot?

In order from left to right, top to bottom they are:

  • Greater Blessing of Salvation, a legacy Paladin buff that reduced threat generation by 30%.
  • Divine Spirit, a Priest buff that (at the time) provided a flat +Spirit buff. Thanks to Mark B for providing proof.
  • Power Word: Fortitude, a Priest buff that increases Stamina. At the time, it was a flat +Stamina buff.
  • Arcane Intellect, a legacy Mage spell that was a shorter, reagent-free version of Arcane Brilliance. It granted a flat +Intellect buff, but was made obsolete when the reagent cost was removed from Arcane Brilliance.
  • Fire Resistance Aura, a Paladin aura that increases Fire Resistance.
  • Aspect of the Hawk, a legacy Hunter aura that increased Attack Power by a flat amount.
  • Resist Fire, a buff you got by using Mind Control on the Scarshield Spellbinder mobs in LBRS/UBRS. Many Raids used this for Molten Core and Blackwing Lair.
  • Gift of the Wild, the group version of Mark of the Wild.
  • Greater Blessing of Wisdom, a Paladin buff that increases mana regeneration by a fixed amount per 5 seconds.
  • Greater Blessing of Kings, a legacy Paladin buff that increased all stats.
  • Greater Blessing of Light, a legacy Paladin buff that increased the effect of any Paladin's Holy Light and Flash of Light healing spells.