How are ties broken for MVP in Rocket League?

I just finished a game of doubles where my partner and I each finished on 480 points in a win. We each had one goal, two saves, and three shots. I got a first touch with 2 seconds left, and at the end of the game, I got the MVP and he didn't. How is the MVP decided in cases of level points (and pretty much everything else being equal)?

This is from the Rocket League Wiki

Each player can gain points from various actions throughout the match. At the end of the match, the player on the winning team with the most points gets MVP (most valuable player) and is awarded an additional 100 points. If two players on the winning team have the same number of points when the match ends, MVP is awarded to the first of the tying players in alphabetical order based on the player names.

Which seems kind of strange to me, I'd previously assumed it would go:

Points -> Goals -> Saves -> Assists