How do I export BBedit Settings to another mac

I currently have bbedit setup with my custom shortcuts and I would like to export these setting to my office mac. Is there a way for me to export these settings ?

Solution 1:

I was setting up a new machine and found that klanomath's 2016 answer no longer worked for transferring preferences. Here's what worked for me.

As background, the latest versions of BBEdit follow the new macOS guidelines for storing preference information. If you had been updating both your OS and BBEdit on an existing setup, then the preferences continued to be stored in their original locations as described in klanomath's original answer. Now, however, macOS uses the ~/Library/Containers folder to create a sort of mirror of the main Library structure for individual programs. So if you're trying to transfer preferences, saved clippings, etc., you'll need to look in


Within that folder, you'll find version of the Preferences, BBEdit, and Application Support/BBEdit folders. So if you're transferring from an older BBEdit setup, copy your source




on the new machine. Then




and last

~/Library/Application Support/BBEdit


~/Library/Containers/BBEdit/Data/Library/Application Support/BBEdit

If your source preferences are already in ~/Library/Containers/BBEdit/Data/Library/, then just do a straight copy from old to new for the folders and files listed.

You might also want/need to follow steveb's advice about renaming the Sleep State file. I did that to be safe.

Solution 2:

To export your settings and preferences to a new Mac copy the following files and folders to it:




~/Library/Application Support/BBEdit

~ indicates your user folder.