Load 32bit DLL library in 64bit application

Is there a way to load a 32bit DLL library (something with the same usage as LoadLibrary) I would like to use that function along with GetProcAddress.

I looked at WOW, but it does not seem to offer the functionality. The functionality should exist, since tools like DependencyWalker are able to read the symbols of a 32bit dll even though its 64bits.


You can only load a 32bit DLL into a 64 bit process when you are loading the dll as a datafile. You can't execute the code. (http://support.microsoft.com/kb/282423)

Microsoft recommends that you use interprocess COM to use 32 bit code with a 64 bit application. Here's an article explaining the process.

If all you're wanting to do is get resources from it, you can load as a datafile:


Then call FindResource as normal.