Is there a more common phrase that means "preponed"?

I was aware of this and this stackexchange post discuss the same. There is no prepone in English. Ok, then how do I say Our meeting is preponed in correct way? What is the correct word/phrase for prepone?

Solution 1:

Our meeting has been brought forward.

Our meeting has been rescheduled for an earlier time.

I wouldn't worry too much. English is my first language and I liked the word when I first heard it.

Unlike other apparent malapropisms (or eggcorns) this word is succinct, clear in meaning, and it fills a hole.

Unless I've misunderestimated the question?

Solution 2:

Just on a whim I checked the dictionary, and it turns out that prepone is in the dictionary! I might personally still avoid it just because many people might be confused by it (or at least take a moment to parse it), but technically it is a perfectly cromulent word.

I then checked the OED and found that this word was coined in 1913. Here is the quote, which comes from the New York Times:

For the benefit mainly of the legal profession in this age of hurry and bustle may I be permitted to coin the word ‘prepone’ as a needed rival of that much revered and oft-invoked standby, ‘postpone’.