What is the correct way of installing BOINC software?

Solution 1:

Graphical Installation

You need to install the client software, which will act as a daemon and boinc client will be automatically started at boot time.

Command to install boinc-client

sudo apt-get install boinc-client

You need the boinc manager to have a graphical interface to monitor and control boinc client.

Command to install boinc-manager

sudo apt-get install boinc-manager

Both the above commands can be combined and run together as

sudo apt-get install boinc-client boinc-manager

To open Boinc Manager. Use dash(Super Key) and search for "boinc"

Non-Graphical Installation

If you are not looking for a graphical interface you just need to install boinc-client

sudo apt-get install boinc-client

Via Ubuntu Software Center

You can also use Ubuntu Software Center to install Boinc. Search for "boinc-client" in Ubuntu Software Center.

Install via the software center

Solution 2:

Just install it using the package manager. Package names: boinc and boinc-manager. E.g.:

sudo apt-get install boinc-manager

And it should be available in the regular application menu.