How do I configure Juju for deployment on Rackspace Cloud?

Solution 1:

This doesn't work and is really an inprogress placeholder while we figure out how to make it work, this answer is useless.

First off you need juju and charm-tools, ensure you have backports enabled (they are enabled by default) to get the latest Juju:

sudo apt-get install juju-core charm-tools

Do a juju generate-config -w to generate a config for OpenStack that you can customize for your needs.

Here's an example for Rackspace Cloud Servers to orchestrate services.

  • The file is in ~/.juju/environments.yaml
  • Items in brackets above [] should be changed to your own info.
  • Get your tenant-name from: as shown on the screen below.

enter image description here

enter image description here

Official docs:

  • Documentation
  • General OpenStack configuration: How can I configure Juju for deployment on OpenStack?