How to enable offline cache (offline browsing) in Chome?

Solution 1:

Since July 2019, the old Show Saved Copy Button flag is no longer available in Chrome for working offline, although Chrome still caches viewed pages. So a trick is required which involves a dummy proxy server:

  • Download and install the extension Quick & Dirty Proxy Flipper
  • Click the extension’s icon in the top right of Chrome to choose a proxy server. The default (shown below) is system which means the current Internet connection.
  • To browse offline, select the third option http://localhost:8080 (unless you are already running a proxy server on your PC)
  • Internet requests will now be routed to your own PC so you are effectively working offline. They will fail with an error page "unable to connect to proxy server". Saved webpages and videos or those in your history can be displayed if they are already cached in Chrome.
  • To return to normal work online, click the extension icon again and select system.

EDIT: See my comment below.

Solution 2:

This might work: chrome://flags/#back-forward-cache. (I'm using Chrome 88). If you set it to enable force caching all pages (experimental), it might work similarly to the #show-saved-copy flag.