How can I make a function defined in jQuery.ready available globally?

I have a function that strips the youtube id off a url. I then want to use this function 10 time per page (in the wordpress loop).

The function works great when I feed it the url within my function script tags, but when I start a new set of script tags within the loop, it does not work.

I need to know how I can use my function without declaring it all first.

So this is the code I have in the header:

 <script type="text/javascript"> 
$(document).ready(function() {
var getList = function(url, gkey){
        var returned = null;
        if (url.indexOf("?") != -1){
          var list = url.split("?")[1].split("&"),
                  gets = [];

          for (var ind in list){
            var kv = list[ind].split("=");
            if (kv.length>0)
                gets[kv[0]] = kv[1];

        returned = gets;

        if (typeof gkey != "undefined")
            if (typeof gets[gkey] != "undefined")
                returned = gets[gkey];


            return returned;


        // THIS WORKS

    alert(getList('', "v"));


But when I try use this somewhere else on the page, it doesnt work.

 <script type="text/javascript"> 

      $(document).ready(function() {
              alert(getList('', "v"));

Firebug gives me getList is not defined which makes sense, because its not. Am I able to 'globally' declare this function?

You have two options, add it to the window object to make it global:

window.getList = function(url, gkey){ 
    // etc...

or move it from inside the document ready event handler into the global scope:

$(document).ready(function() {  
    alert(getList('', "v"));
var getList = function(url, gkey){  

    var returned = null;  
    if (url.indexOf("?") != -1){  
      var list = url.split("?")[1].split("&"),  
              gets = [];  

      for (var ind in list){  
        var kv = list[ind].split("=");  
        if (kv.length>0)  
            gets[kv[0]] = kv[1];  

    returned = gets;  

    if (typeof gkey != "undefined")  
        if (typeof gets[gkey] != "undefined")  
            returned = gets[gkey];  


        return returned;  


You might also want to read this question about using var functionName = function () {} vs function functionName() {}, and this article about variable scope.

Yet another option is to hang the function off the jQuery object itself. That way you avoid polluting the global name space any further:

jQuery.getlist = function getlist(url, gkey) {
  // ...

Then you can get at it with "$.getlist(url, key)"

declare getList() outside the ready() function..

var getList = function(url, gkey){
        var returned = null;
        if (url.indexOf("?") != 

Now the getList will work anywhere in the code:

$(document).ready( function() {
alert(getList('', "v"));

The problem was, scope of the getList(.) function.