Vue.js - How to call method from another component

I am using Vue.Js v2. I want to call component1->c1method in component2->c2method for reload data after submitting.

Vue.component('component1', {
  methods: {
    c1method: function(){
     alert('this is c1method')
Vue.component('component2', {
  methods: {
    c2method: function(){
     component('component1').c1method()//like this

Solution 1:

For non-parent-child relation, then this is the same as this one. Call one method, apparently any method of a component from any other component. Just add a $on function to the $root instance and call form any other component accessing the $root and calling $emit function.

On First component

    mounted() {
        this.$root.$on('component1', () => {
            // your code goes here

and in the second component call the $emit function in $root

    c2method: function(){
     this.$root.$emit('component1') //like this

It acts more like a socket. Reference here

Solution 2:

// Component A
Vue.component('A', {
    created() {
        this.$root.$refs.A = this;
    methods: {
        foo: function() {
            alert('this is');

// Component B
Vue.component('B', {
    methods: {
        bar: function() {

Solution 3:

No need for hacky solutions.
In vuejs we can create events that can be listened globally.
With this feature, whenever we want to call our beloved function, we just emit this event.
Now, we just listen to this event all the time from the component. whenever this global event happens we can execute our method we want to call.

It's pretty simple:

  1. you go to main.js, before creating the vue instance, write this:
export const eventBus = new Vue(); // added line

new Vue({
    render: h => h(App)

  1. Anywhere we want to fire the target function, we dont fire it, we just emit this event:
  1. Now in our component that has the target function, we always listen to this event:
created() {
    eventBus.$on('fireMethod', () => {

Dont forget to import eventBus in top.

import {eventBus} from "path/to/main.js";

thats it, few lines of code, no hacky, all vuejs power.