In chrome dev tools, what is the speed of each preset option for network throttling?

Here is an old screenshot with the detailsHere is an old screenshot with the details

I did some measurements with two speed tests available in the internet. With the following custom profile I received similar download speed and ping latency as with the presets.

Slow 3G Custom: Download 376 kb/s, Latency 2000 ms
Fast 3G Custom: Download 1500 kb/s = 1.5 Mb/s, Latency = 550 ms

The actually download speed measured via the speed tests was only slightly below the configured values. The measured ping latency was half of the value configured in the custom profile.

Here is a csv of the values in the screenshot from Robroi2000's answer

Regular 2G,250,50,300
Good 2G,450,150,150
Regular 3G,750,250,100
Good 3G, 1000,750,40
Regular 4G, 4000,3000,20
DSL 2000, 1000,5
WiFi 30000,15000,2