Change PDF title in browser window

I have a pdf file that I am putting on a website for a client. It is located here...

The title should be OPTI New Patient Forms but if you look at the tab in the browser and the name at the top of the browser window it says "Coury And..."

Where can I go to change this?

The website is using Wordpress 3.8.1 and I am not sure if it is in Wordpress or in the actual pdf file.

Thank you,


Solution 1:

Ok, So I found out how to change the meta-data in a .pdf form here: (dead link; archived version here)

Sure enough the Title in the Meta Data within the .pdf was "Coury And..."

Once I changed this the Tab and the Title in Firefox web browser changed to have the title that I wanted.

This shows us that the meta-data in the .pdf does show in Firefox as if it were the meta-title of the webpage when displaying a .pdf within the browser.

Solution 2:

If you have access to the Word document in which the PDF is based, you can define the title when you save the file.

enter image description here

Solution 3:

Open the PDF with Notepad++ and search (CTRL+F) for /Title Change title between brackets (and leave the brackets) For instance: Change "/Title (OLD TITLE)" into "/Title (This is my new title)"

Save the PDF and Voila