Azure Devops Repos - Revert back to a previous commit like the recent ones never existed

Git reset command can achieve this.

You can run the git reset --hard command to revert back to a previous commit. Then run git push --force command to wipe out all the commits came after this commit on server.

git clone <repo_url>  #clone your azure git repo to local
git checkout <branch>

git reset --hard <commithash> #revert back to a the previous commit
git push --force  #push to remote server

After you run above git commands locally. You will see on azure devops git the commits coming after are gone.

While code approach is available, Azure DevOps website provides very quick method.

Go to Azure DevOps -> Your Repository -> Switch to the Working branch where you just made the commit that needs to be changed.

  1. Go to History and click on the commit that needs to be reversed. Select commit to be reversed.

  2. Select "revert" option from hamburger icon at top right. enter image description here

  3. It will automatically create a new branch and will ask you to approve a pull request from this new branch to your working branch. Complete this pull request. enter image description here

  4. Verify that your commit has been reversed in the working branch as expected. enter image description here

Note: At times if there are multiple dependencies on a commit, it might throw an error. But usually, it works fine.