C# Append byte array to existing file

Solution 1:

One way would be to create a FileStream with the FileMode.Append creation mode.

Opens the file if it exists and seeks to the end of the file, or creates a new file.

This would look something like:

public static void AppendAllBytes(string path, byte[] bytes)
    //argument-checking here.

    using (var stream = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Append))
        stream.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length);

Solution 2:

  1. Create a new FileStream.
  2. Seek() to the end.
  3. Write() the bytes.
  4. Close() the stream.

Solution 3:

You can also use the built-in FileSystem.WriteAllBytes Method (String, Byte[], Boolean).

public static void WriteAllBytes(
    string file,
    byte[] data,
    bool append

Set append to True to append to the file contents; False to overwrite the file contents. Default is False.

Solution 4:

I'm not exactly sure what the question is, but C# has a BinaryWriter method that takes an array of bytes.


bool writeFinished = false;
string fileName = "C:\\test.exe";
FileStream fs = new FileString(fileName);
BinaryWriter bw = new BinaryWriter(fs);
int pos = fs.Length;
   byte[] data = GetData();
   bw.Write(data, pos, data.Length);
   pos += data.Length;

Where writeFinished is true when all the data has been appended, and GetData() returns an array of data to be appended.