How can I open the chest in 1-8 of Chrome version?

I have tried other instructions I found, like clicking and typing "OPEN", but nothing seems to work.

How can I unlock the chest?

Solution 1:

You can't open the chest at all in the chrome version: you have to use your birds to hit randomly placed chrome balls, in some levels. The first one is in level 1-16, and you need to zoom out all the way to see it, on this little floating island. Also in level 1-18, zoom out to find that at the top of the mound there is a chrome ball.

Solution 2:

You can't open the chest. Unlike in the Touch version it doesn't give anything but 500 points when you destroy it.

Solution 3:

Edit: Just tried, doesn't work. I am thinking the Chrome version doesn't actually have the Golden Eggs, instead it has the Chrome Dimension levels.

Try clicking repeatedly on/around it. I couldn't get the chest to open right away in the Android version either, I had to mess around for a bit. Maybe try throwing a bird first too.