Solution 1:

In the recent versions of Picasso, there is a new method for invalidate, without any workarounds, so I think that custom PicassoTools class mentioned earlier, is now obsolete in this case


Solution 2:

Actually, based on your own answer, there is an easier way to do it without forking the library. Add this class to the com.squareup.picasso package.

package com.squareup.picasso;

public class PicassoTools {

    public static void clearCache (Picasso p) {

Because cache has package visibility, this util class can clear the cache for you. You just have to call it:


Solution 3:

Abort memory cache and disk cache check by indicate memory policy by flag: emoryPolicy.NO_CACHE and NetworkPolicy.NO_CACHE as below code snippet:

            .memoryPolicy(MemoryPolicy.NO_CACHE )
            .resize(512, 512)

Solution 4:

Try to use:

Picasso.with(ctx).load(new File("/path/to/image")).skipMemoryCache().into(imageView)

Solution 5:

The order of search image in Picasso is: Memory cache -> Disk cache -> Network

So there are few scenario we need to invalidate cache in Picasso:

1.Invalidate memory cache:

  • Usercase: When image already update in disk cache or remote host
  • Solution: Clear cache of Url, File, Uri if exist



2.Invalidate memory cache and disk cache Online

※note: Online mean update directly to ImageView

  • User case: Image updated on remote host

  • Solution: Abort image on memory cache and disk cache then request image on remote host

        .memoryPolicy(MemoryPolicy.NO_CACHE )

    -> Abort memory cache and disk cache


3.Invalidate memory cache and disk cache Offline

※ note: Offline mean update not update to ImageView, just background fetch to using later

  • User case: You know image on remote host updated, but only want to update cache only to using afterward (not update into image view)
  • Solution: fetch only


※Note: Using fetch() is good but it also consume network resource, so please consider carefully, check scenario 4 in below for better solution

4.Invalidate memory cache and disk cache Offline if disk cache is exist

  • User case: Only invalidate cache if already exist in disk cache
  • Solution: Should check disk by using parameter: NetworkPolicy.OFFLINE cache before fetch

        .fetch(new Callback() {
            public void onSuccess() {
                //Success: mean disk cache exist -> should do actual fetch
            public void onError() {
            //Failed: mean disk cache not exist

Picasso is an amazing libs, I hope squareup will add more convenience API to manage cache in upcoming future.