What is theoretical maximum of TCP traffic over GigaEthernet?

Solution 1:

Check Max Ethernet and TCP Throughput

Okay, check Protocol Overhead. This one has information about theoretical speed.

Theoretical maximum UDP throughput on GigE using jumbo frames:
(9000-20-8)/(9000+14+4+7+1+12)*1000000000/1000000 = 992.697 Mbps 
Theoretical maximum TCP throughput on GigE without using jumbo frames:
(1500-20-20-12)/(1500+14+4+7+1+12)*1000000000/1000000 = 941.482 Mbps    
Theoretical maximum UDP throughput on GigE without using jumbo frames:
(1500-20-8)/(1500+14+4+7+1+12)*1000000000/1000000 = 957.087 Mbps