How to start a rake task using upstart

I'm trying to setup a Resque worker as an Upstart init script to be used by Monit in a Rails app. I'm not a sysop and I've tried to write this using examples from other init script we have on our server, here's what I got:

start on startup
stop on shutdown

pre-start script
   cd /var/www/my-app/current
end script

   exec bundle exec rake environment resque:work RAILS_ENV=staging PIDFILE=/var/run/ QUEUE=sync >> /var/log/resque.log
end script

But it doesn't work, if I try sudo start resque I get:

resque start/running, process XXXX

Nothing is being started as far as I know, there's no Resque process to be found nor there's log file. I'm quite lost as to how to get it working.

Update: I've found the syslog file and it says:

Nov  4 17:20:09 fantasysports init: resque main process (3057) terminated with status 2

Update: I've tried to run it using sudo (yeah that doesn't make sense!) and removed the output redirection to the log file and now I get a different status code:

Nov  4 17:29:44 fantasysports init: resque main process (3276) terminated with status 10

Update: Ended up ditching Upstart for init.d, as start-stop-daemon is much better documented and it give me complete control of what's going on.

Solution 1:

Here's how I do it.. this also adds in rvm

start on startup
stop on starting rcS

chdir /data/pusher/current
env RAILS_ENV=production
  /usr/local/bin/rvm-shell '1.9.2@app' -c 'JOBS_PER_FORK=25 RAILS_ENV=production QUEUE=app_production bundle exec rake --trace resque:work >> /data/app/current/log/app-worker.production.log 2>&1'
end script

Edit: here is how I do it for running as a different user.. chdir doesn't seem to be honored.. so it's kind of hacky

start on runlevel [2345]
stop on starting rcS

chdir /data/app/current
env RAILS_ENV=production
        sudo -u user -s -- "cd /data/app/current; export RAILS_ENV=production; /usr/local/bin/rvm-shell '1.9.2-p180@app' -c 'QUEUE=app_production bundle exec rake resque:work >> /data/app/current/log/app-worker.production.log 2>&1'"
end script

You pretty much need to change into the correct directory and set the RAILS_ENV in the sudo command

Solution 2:

You might want to look at Foreman: which has the ability to export to upstart and is recommended for managing resque workers in a number of posts, including this one:

Solution 3:

The way that the RVM manual, in the "integration" section, recommends for "Using RVM and Ruby-based services that start via init.d or upstart" is to use RVM aliases and wrappers.

I had a situation where I had to monitor a bluepill process. This process is a daemon so a process that forks 2 times. Starting it with the rvm-shell command added a third fork... Which caused Upstart to not be able to track the process PID (it can track processes max only till the second fork - when given the expect daemon stanza).

I solved this in the following way:

  1. First I created an RVM alias for my environment:

    rvm alias create my_app ruby-2.0.0-p247@my_app

  2. Then I have used the following upstart config for my job:

` # /etc/init/bluepill_my-app.conf

description "my_app Bluepill"

start on runlevel [2]
stop on runlevel [016]

setuid my-app
setgid my-app

expect daemon

env USER=my-app
env HOME=/var/www/my-app/
env RAILS_ENV=my-app
env BLUEPILL_BASE_DIR=/tmp/bluepill_my-app

chdir /var/www/my-app/current/

exec /var/www/my-app/.rvm/wrappers/my-app/bundle exec bluepill --no-privileged load  /var/www/my-app/current/config/deploy/monitoring/my-app.pill >> /tmp/upstart.log 2>&1


Bundler needs to be installed in the given gemset to which the RVM alias is pointing to.

Calling the bundler wrapper script does not cause any forks like the rvm-shell command does.

An alternative could be to install the bluepill gem in the used gemset, create a wrapper script for it and use it directly without the bundle exec - just like the RVM manual suggests - but using it via bunlder allows the bluepill .pill files to use any library ussed in my-app (like setingslogic etc.).

This got a little bit off topic, but I think it's a good example how to do it better. I hope this helps.