autocomplete has stopped working with android sdk

For some reason auto complete no longer works. for example when writing code using the android bitmap class, when i use the dot operator eclipse would suggest methods for that object instance. how do you turn this feature back on?

thanks mat.

I had this same problem. Here is how I solved it.

In Eclipse go to

Window -> Preferences -> Java -> Editor -> Content Assist -> Advanced

And check the boxes labeled "Java Proposals" and hit Apply.

This solved my problem. Hope it helps.

Im my case was API tools proposals the option that cause my autocomplete doesn´t work, here are the 4 default options that must be checked...

  • API Tools Proposals.

  • Java Proposals.

  • SWT Template Proposals.

  • Template Proposals.

    default configuration

the next time i must be careful when click Ctrl+Space =D