How to setup PTR (Reverse DNS) at Godaddy DNS manager

To add a PTR record in the GoDaddy DNS Manager, you need to do the following:

  • In the Zone Field Editor go down to the TXT(text) Zone
    • Click Add SPF Record

A window will open with 4 tabs (Inbound, Outbound, The well hidden 'PTR' and Outsourced)

  • Go to the PTR tab
  • Check Include PTR and add your public IP

Your hosting provider who owns the IP sets the PTR record for it. There is nothing to do in the DNS zone editor for your domain.

I have just done it. My hosting provider (digitalocean) automatically created PTR record when I named the host, it just needed to be the full name, ending with the domain. I added the IP in Godaddy's DNS editor. Now nslookup hostname and nslookup IP work just fine.

When I first called Godaddy support they tried to sell me "premium DNS". But unless they own the IP, they could not set the PTR record anyway.

(I know this is old thread but it does come up in google search)