HAproxy subdomain redirect

I own one domain like xyz.com and I'm trying to redirect subdomain other ip with haproxy.

I use tomcat on the servers and I use haproxy to redirect incoming requests on port 80 to port 8080.


www.xyz.com ->

www.xyz.com/abc ->
  or  abc.xyz.com ->

In order to do this redirection, how do I set haproxy?

Solution 1:

In haproxy you do redirection combining acl rules and redirect ones; you choose the right server using the backend rule.

The official haproxy documentation is not very easy to read, but it's very complete.

Something like this (just a sketch to give you an idea):

frontend http-in
    mode              http
    bind              FRONTENDIP:80 # eg.

    default_backend   tomcat_server_2

    acl tomcat_1      hdr_end(host) -i www.xyz.com
    acl tomcat_2      hdr_end(host) -i abc.xyz.com
    acl tomcat_path   path_beg /abc/

    use_backend       tomcat_server_1 if tomcat_1 !tomcat_path

backend tomcat_server_1
    server tomcat1 maxconn 1000

backend tomcat_server_2
    server tomcat2 maxconn 1000

If you want to redirect www.xyz.com/abc/ to abc.xyz.com :

    redirect prefix   http://abc.xyz.com if tomcat_path