New posts in ptr-record

What services require properly configured PTR records?

554 Bad PTR Record but Record exists and is correct

How should I set up my PTR Record?

Iptable rules for SMTP NAT to borrow static public IP of data center server

How to match PTR record with a different domain?

SMTP Reverse DNS Mismatch

Are PTR records added only by the ISPs that provide and manage the IPs?

BIND DNS: how to override RR generated by $GENERATE directive?

How are DNS PTR records managed?

How to determine which DNS server has the authority to set rDNS (PTR records)?

Delivered to internal network by a host with no rDNS

Reverse DNS Setup for an IP with multiple domains

Entering multiple DNS TXT values as a single TXT entry, with each value in " marks, but separated by spaces

How do I set up a reverse zone file?

Do I need to Set-up PTR record in SPF Setting?

Reverse DNS record can't point to Domain name but it can point to IP [closed]

Reverse DNS is not a valid hostname [closed]

how to add a REverse PTR Record on Amazon Route 53?

Hotmail wants me to modify my SPF record

How to confirm who is responsible for serving reverse DNS (PTR) requests an IP block?