In my earlier post I used this image:

Figure with text

The last sentence reads: "Bem-vindo ao ELO hell" -> translated -> "Welcome to ELO hell".

What is the ELO hell?

Some people pretend that Elo-Hell is a place you can't escape, because you always play with bad people. It's very hard and frustrating to get out of because of continuous feeders, AFKers and leavers.

I say it does not exist, because there is Elo-Boosting. If those people can climb the ladder, you can do it too! You just need to improve and the fact, that the chances are higher that the enemy team has the troll are higher debunks this argument.

This sounds mean, but Elo-Hell is just a excuse for people that play bad.

If you have a win rate >50% you will climb. If you climb, you will be matched against and with better players (normally... but there are few exceptions). If you want to climb even more, you will need to improve because you must play better against those people.

Origin of the word "Elo Hell":

In Season 1, there weren't LP (League Points) like today. You were measured by a value called elo, which was borrowed from chess. The starting value was 1200, if you won a game, you gained elo, if you lost, you lost elo. Obviously, bad players gathered around 800 Elo and below (which was compareable to Bronze today).

Since League of Legends is a teamgame, you always have to rely on teammates, it's almost impossible to carry a game 1 vs 5 (I think i did it 4 times where i actually solo'd the entire enemy team, and i got almost over 6k games now, so you can imagine the chance of doing that) and also, it's easier to blame your own mistakes on them. And suddenly, the "Elo Hell" was born, a place for kids who think they play a lot better than they actually do.

Typical for someone who says he's in Elo Hell is:

  • He's a mechanical WCS (Worst-Case-Scenario)
  • Never heard of something like wards or vision
  • Tends to rage in allchat
  • Always blames other people, even though he goofed it up himself
  • Typically played 75% of all champs - none of them good
  • Horrible W/L Ratio (45% or below)

Of course, all of that is nonsense. Once you're good enough, you will climb automatically. Yes, if you sit at such a bad elo, it will take you a while until you get a decent amount of LP and doesn't lose that much anymore if you lose. But you will climb if you are above 50% - that's a rule.