Deuce and trey - do any other kinds of pip cards have special names?

I was playing cards this evening and found myself referring to the deuce and the trey. I was wondering, do any of the other pip card ranks have special names?

Solution 1:

In Texas Hold'em, many opening, pre-flop hands (two cards), when paired, seem to have special names:

Twos: Deuces, ducks
Threes: Treys, crabs
Fours: Sailboats
Fives: ?
Sixes: ? 
Sevens: Canes, walking sticks
Eights: Snowmen
Nines: ?
Jacks: Hooks
Queens: Ladies (and other, less elegant synonyms)
Kings: Cowboys
Aces: Bullets, Pocket Rockets

Additionally, some unpaired hands have special names:

Ace-King: Big slick
King-jack: Kojak
5-10: Ben Franklin or Woolworth's or dime store (from 5 & 10 cent store)