*A ton* vs *tons of*

Is there a preferred or more common usage between the phrase "with a ton of xxx" or "with tons of xxx"? Both referring to something having an abundance of something.

Solution 1:

According to the following ngram, "tons of" is the most common:

Source: Google Ngram

enter image description here

Solution 2:

Yes, they are interchangeable, but here's how I usually use them:

A ton of: countable objects.

Tons of: uncountable objects.

Such-and-so candidate for mayor has tons of charm, but is a little light on the issues. Explanation: charm isn't countable.

She's already got a ton of stuffed animals, let's get her something else for her birthday. Explanation: the stuffed animals are countable.

(Yes, you could also say tons of stuffed animals.)

Solution 3:

The use of "tons of something" by LONGMAN Dictionary is given in URL.

tons of "something"


Therefore, the phrase of "tons of ..." also supports both countable plural noun and uncountable singular noun.