Meaning of "bloody" in "Full Bloody Italian"

What does full bloody mean in full bloody Italian?

I'm not sure of the intent, but possibly the word is used as an intensifier or mild expletive in the phrase. I imagine the word chosen would be different if it were the FFI. :)

Should blooded be used instead of bloody, in this case?

If it were meant as an intensifier (bloody Italians!), no.

Would full blooded Italian be understood as who completely has Italian blood?

Yes. Full-blooded Italian would mean someone whose ancestry is completely Italian — or at least someone who is steeped in and fully exhibits the Italian culture.

I am sure it is a misprint of full-blooded Italians which is a tag team

Full-blooded: Of unmixed ancestry; purebred.

Update: There is no such thing as Full Bloody Italian unless it is a mistake or a deliberate slur/joke on the Full-blooded. Bloody is a swear word so Bloody Italian would be said by someone annoyed by Italians. I have never heard that there would be a lot of Italians in FBI either. Historically a lot of Irish on the NYPD... Try to see there is no popular usage of Bloody in that context

I believe in this case that "bloody" is intended as the mild oath (a contraction of "by our lady", if memory serves). "Full bloody Italian" then would roughly translate to "completely g*ddamned well Italian".