Why don't Terrans ever seem to use medics?

I've been watching a bunch of Starcraft II replays recently, and I just realized that I've never seen a single medic in any of the games. The most recent one I watched had medivacs, which is obviously more useful than medics (since they can lift units too), but most of the games I've seen had a bunch of marines and marauders and no healing units at all.

It confuses me because I used medics all the time in campaign mode, to avoid having to buy more marines all the time. Is there any reason why no one seems to do that in multiplayer?

Solution 1:

Medics are not usable units in the multiplayer component of Starcraft 2, along with many other units that exist in campaign but not in multiplayer.

Here are the campaign-only units for all races:

  • Terran
  • Zerg
  • Protoss

Solution 2:

medics are not available in the multiplayer version of the game. along with a bunch of other units