Word for Party *Steward*?

Is there a word that describes a person who is usually not too drunk and takes care of the rest of the folks at a party?

Typically, they're the ones who drag the sloshed ones back to beds, clean up the house and generally maintain a bit of sanity.

Drunksitter is used in slang.

A person at a party or a bar who stays sober or nearly sober and prevents their drunk friends/guests from doing anything stupid


Looking after your drunk friends when you are the only sober one. Keeping an eye on them, escorting them everywhere, keeping them out of trouble and sometimes cleaning them up. This should also include making sure they get home safe with all the belongings they brought with them.


Where are you from? I want to party with you guys!

Generally, the host and/or hostess will try to remain relatively sober and in control. In cases where they don't, there is not usually anyone else expected to "reign in" the chaos. Often, the appearance of law enforcement is the only sign that will make everyone aware that they are out of control. "We had a party and the cops came," is a popular description of a wild celebration.

The only person who is really required to take responsibility, is a person deemed the "designated driver". It is their job to stay sober in order to transport the intoxicated, or otherwise make arrangements for them to get home.

(They will not put you to bed or clean up the mess, though) (US)