Another word for "theory" or "belief" that doesn't quite rise to the level of either. An atheist's "theory" of creation [closed]

Theory isn't the right word because my "theory" is nothing but an idea that works for me that would take forever to explain. Actually, explaining my "theory" is exactly why I need the word :) Since the subject is creation, I don't want to call my "theory" that word because it's completely non-scientific, hardly salt to the Theory of Evolution's pepper.

Belief isn't the right word either. Again, my thing doesn't rise to that level. I believe in global warming, evolution, apple pie and that Jon Snow will live until (maybe even THROUGH) the end! I don't believe in God in any sense that I've ever heard preached or that I've read. Faith doesn't work either. The word "faith" fits better to the Jon Snow reference above.

My degree of certainty that my "theory" is correct is kind of nil. I guess I can describe it as something my scientific psyche can accept and that makes me feel warm and fuzzy. I'd like to think my thingy is right.

So, what can I call it?


If there is no scientific evidence for something; and if there is no faith, which can 'see' the matter with spiritual eyes in a way of faith, then that would be a conjecture.


an opinion or conclusion formed on the basis of incomplete information


"my thing doesn't rise to that level"

If something is not a scientific fact which can be demonstrated by experiment; and it is not a matter of real faith - which believes matters which are spiritual and not subject to scientific experiment - then that would be a notion.

"True religion's more than notion . . ."

(From the hymns of Joseph Hart)


See The Cambridge Dictionary

An idea or explanation for something that is based on known facts but has not yet been proved

This word is often used for an idea that seems reasonable, given what is known, but isn't really good enough to be a theory yet.


… describes your own view of the world that is subjective, unqualified, proportional, and not bound to or by limitations imposed by others.

a particular way of considering something:

Cambridge Dictionary