Scala import not working - object <name> is not a member of package, sbt preppends current package namespace in imports

Solution 1:

imports can be relative. Is that the only import you have? be careful with other imports like


ultimately, this should fix it, then you can try to find more about it:


Solution 2:

In my case I also needed to check that object which is not found as a member of package is compiled successfully.

Solution 3:

In my case I had to run sbt clean.

Solution 4:

I realize this question already has an accepted answer, but since I experienced the same problem but with a different cause I figured I'd add an answer.

I had a bunch of interdependent projects which suddenly needed a root import in order to compile. It turned out that I had duplicated the package declaration in a single file. This caused some kind of chain reaction and made it very hard to find the source of the problem.

In summary I had


on the top of the file instead of just


Hope this saves someone some really tedious error hunting.