phpstorm unresolved function or method $()

I have the following problem: phpstorm do not recognize jquery methods and here and there I see

enter image description here

Unresolved function or method $()

This was bugging me for sometime but finally I tried to get rid of it with File->Settings->JavaScript->Libraries and adding jquery as a global / project.

My library setup looks like this:enter image description here

But is has not changed anything. I still see those pesky notices. Does anyone know how to get rid of them?

There is a really stupid workaround,

Download the Library (in this case jQuery) from inside the IDE itself.

  • Open up settings (Ctrl + Alt + S on Linux)
  • Navigate to Languages & Frameworks -> Javascript -> Libraries
  • Click Download and choose jQuery

Hopefully the errors will vanish


EDIT: After running the IDE through Fiddler, I realised this only solves the problem because of the version the IDE downloads.

So, the correct workaround is to Add older, non-AMD jQuery versions as a Global scoped Library and add the latest one as a Project scope library.

The latest non-AMD versions are:

1.10.2 for 1.x series. And, 2.0.0 for 2.x series.

I had the same issue with version 1.11.2, and resolved it simply by adding the uncompressed version into my js folder.

Just copy the uncompressed version of jQuery into your project folder. you don't even need to import it into your project, just copy it to javascript folder.

The jQuery v1.11.0 shows exactly the same behaviour here as well. At the same time previous version 1.10.2 works fine in IDE (no warnings).

I think it has something to do with "AMD-fy jQuery source" ticket ( -- looks like IDE has some issues figuring out this style.

If you wish (and can) -- roll back to jQuery v1.10.2 (which is like half a year old, which means it's stable and still good to use).

Hopefully IDE will be able to properly parse this new jQuery style in next release.

Actual ticket:

If you import both 1.11.0 and 1.10.2 in phpstorm it will be resolved

You don't have to rollback your project.