Search in SVN repository for a file name

We have a bulk repository for code contain thousands of folder and sub folder, i want to search under this repositor with file name or with some word.

Root folder

I want to search for cd.txt but dont know where it is in SVN Repository, for that i want to perform a search on the root folder of SVN where i will put the file name cd.txt and run the command, will check in each folder and will display the file details result....

Hope requirement is clear. Can you please help me on this.

The following works for me (svn version 1.4.6)

svn list -R <URL> | grep "<file_pattern>"

If the file is in your working copy, then if you are using svn 1.5:

svn list --depth infinity | grep <filename>

or an earlier version of svn:

find . -name <filename> -not -path '*.svn*'

If you need to find the file in history (deleted or moved):

svn log -v | less

and search for it with:


With access to the repo itself use (i.e on your svn host file sytem)

svnlook tree [path_to_repo] | grep [file_name]  

or to search all repos (if you have mulitple repos setup).

for i in \`ls [path_to_repos_dir]`; do echo $i; svnlook tree [path_to_repos_dir]/$i | grep -i [file_or_folder_name]; done 

the option --full-paths will give the full path in repo to the file (if found)


for i in `ls /u01/svn-1.6.17/repos`; do echo $i; svnlook tree --full-paths /u01/svn- 1.6.17/repos/$i | grep -i somefile.txt; done

redirect output to a file if static copy is needed.
assumes using nix OS.

svn list --depth infinity <your-repo-here> to get a list of files in the repo, and then svn cat to get contents. You can add --xml key to list command to make parsing a bit simpler.