Similar term to "visual" for audio?

Solution 1:

Aural - of or relating to the ear or the sense of hearing. It's an adjective.

Solution 2:

auditory - adjective - of or relating to the sense of hearing. "the auditory nerves"

Solution 3:

Ocular: relating to the eye(s) | Aural: relating to the ear(s)

Visible: able to be seen | Audible: able to be heard

Visual: relating to the sense of sight/seeing | Auditory: relating to the sense of hearing

Video: relating to light or the recording thereof | Audio: relating to sound or the recording thereof

Photo-: produced by light | Phono-/Sono-: produced by sound or voice

Verbal: relating to words (either written or spoken)

Solution 4:

My suggestion would be:

Is it possible to fall in love with someone without visual or verbal contact?

"Verbal" refers to speech, rather than hearing, but seems to convey the message well in this case.

Alternatively, you may want to use the term face-to-face, for example "without meeting face-to-face".

Solution 5:

Aural and auditory are both technically correct in this sentence, but neither works well. While aural sounds better in cadence with "visual," it is the lesser choice because in addition to meaning "relating to the sense of hearing" it can mean "relating to the ear." "Aural contact" could thus be interpreted as touching the ear!

The problem is the sentence itself: "visual and auditory contact" is extremely awkward. So write around it: "Is it possible to fall in love without actually meeting the person?"