How do I do string replace in JavaScript to convert ‘9.61’ to ‘9:61’?

Solution 1:

Do it like this:

var value = $("#text").val(); // value = 9.61 use $("#text").text() if you are not on select box...
value = value.replace(".", ":"); // value = 9:61
// can then use it as

Updated to reflect to current version of jQuery. And also there are a lot of answers here that would best fit to any same situation as this. You, as a developer, need to know which is which.

Replace all occurrences

To replace multiple characters at a time use some thing like this: name.replace(/&/g, "-"). Here I am replacing all & chars with -. g means "global"

Note - you may need to add square brackets to avoid an error - title.replace(/[+]/g, " ")

credits vissu and Dante Cullari

Solution 2:

Probably the most elegant way of doing this is to do it in one step. See val().

$("#text").val(function(i, val) {
  return val.replace('.', ':');

compared to:

var val = $("#text").val();
$("#text").val(val.replace('.', ':'));

From the docs:

.val( function(index, value) )

function(index, value)A function returning the value to set.

This method is typically used to set the values of form fields. For <select multiple="multiple"> elements, multiple s can be selected by passing in an array.

The .val() method allows us to set the value by passing in a function. As of jQuery 1.4, the function is passed two arguments, the current element's index and its current value:

$('input:text.items').val(function(index, value) {
  return value + ' ' + this.className;

This example appends the string " items" to the text inputs' values.

This requires jQuery 1.4+.