Creating hard and soft links using PowerShell

Solution 1:

Windows 10 (and Powershell 5.0 in general) allows you to create symbolic links via the New-Item cmdlet.


New-Item -Path C:\LinkDir -ItemType SymbolicLink -Value F:\RealDir

Or in your profile:

function make-link ($target, $link) {
    New-Item -Path $link -ItemType SymbolicLink -Value $target

Turn on Developer Mode to not require admin privileges when making links with New-Item:

enter image description here

Solution 2:

You can call the mklink provided by cmd, from PowerShell to make symbolic links:

cmd /c mklink c:\path\to\symlink c:\target\file

You must pass /d to mklink if the target is a directory.

cmd /c mklink /d c:\path\to\symlink c:\target\directory

For hard links, I suggest something like Sysinternals Junction.

Solution 3:

Add "pscx" module

No, it isn't built into PowerShell. And the mklink utility cannot be called on its own on Windows Vista/Windows 7 because it is built directly into cmd.exe as an "internal command".

You can use the PowerShell Community Extensions (free). There are several cmdlets for reparse points of various types:

  • New-HardLink,
  • New-SymLink,
  • New-Junction,
  • Remove-ReparsePoint
  • and others.

Solution 4:

In Windows 7, the command is

fsutil hardlink create new-file existing-file

PowerShell finds it without the full path (c:\Windows\system32) or extension (.exe).

Solution 5:


Function New-SymLink ($link, $target)
    if (test-path -pathtype container $target)
        $command = "cmd /c mklink /d"
        $command = "cmd /c mklink"

    invoke-expression "$command $link $target"


Function Remove-SymLink ($link)
    if (test-path -pathtype container $link)
        $command = "cmd /c rmdir"
        $command = "cmd /c del"

    invoke-expression "$command $link"


New-Symlink "c:\foo\bar" "c:\foo\baz"
Remove-Symlink "c:\foo\bar"