Reverse array in Javascript without mutating original array

Solution 1:

You can use slice() to make a copy then reverse() it

var newarray = array.slice().reverse();

var array = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'];
var newarray = array.slice().reverse();

console.log('a', array);
console.log('na', newarray);

Solution 2:

In ES6:

const newArray = [...array].reverse()

Solution 3:

Another ES6 variant:

We can also use .reduceRight() to create a reversed array without actually reversing it.

let A = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f'];

let B = A.reduceRight((a, c) => (a.push(c), a), []);


Useful Resources:

  • Array.prototype.reduceRight()
  • Arrow Functions
  • Comma Operator

Solution 4:

Try this recursive solution:

const reverse = ([head, ...tail]) => 
    tail.length === 0
        ? [head]                       // Base case -- cannot reverse a single element.
        : [...reverse(tail), head]     // Recursive case

reverse([1]);               // [1]
reverse([1,2,3]);           // [3,2,1]
reverse('hello').join('');  // 'olleh' -- Strings too!