How to enable horizontal split in full screen mode in El Capitan

I use my external display in tower mode. I've been using third party software ( like Moom ) to split my screen horizontally when needed. Now that El Capitan supports split screen in full screen mode, is there a way to split screen natively with two apps in horizontal split, in full screen mode.

I searched everywhere and I am able to place two apps side by side but not top and bottom. I have also tried reducing window sizes of apps so that they fit well when in horizontal split mode. But still I never get the option of putting one on top of another.

Is there any other settings I need to enable? I have enabled Displays have separate Spaces

enter image description here

Solution 1:

As implemented on iOS 9 and later, OS X 10.11 lets you split the unified full-screen view into two portrait sections with one application on the left side of the partition and a different one on the right.

enter image description here

It's pretty basic, but it also is elegantly minimal with a clear geometry with only one degree of freedom.

My hope is that as more people get used to the mechanics of this, The software can be complicated to allow us to choose a horizontal petition if we desire to work that way instead of only splitting things vertically. Especially if there are compelling apps that work together in a wide but vertically narrow window.

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Solution 2:

I use Spectacle with following keys combinations:

alt + cmd + left key    # split window and set to left side
alt + cmd + right key   
alt + cmd + up          
alt + cmd + down        
alt + cmd + f           # full screen