Working with large numbers in PHP

For some reason, there are two standard libraries in PHP handling the arbitrary length/precision numbers: BC Math and GMP. I personally prefer GMP, as it's fresher and has richer API.

Based on GMP I've implemented Decimal2 class for storing and processing currency amounts (like USD 100.25). A lot of mod calculations there w/o any problems. Tested with very large numbers.

use this

 $num1 = "123456789012345678901234567890";
 $num2 = "9876543210";
 $r    = mysql_query("Select @sum:=$num1 + $num2");
 $sumR = mysql_fetch_row($r);
 $sum  = $sumR[0];

have you taken a look at bcmod()? php has issues with integers over 2^31 - 1 on 32 bit platforms.

var_dump(bcmod("$x", '104659') ); // string(4) "2968"

I suggest you try BigInteger. If that doesn't work out, you may use SWIG to add C/C++ code for the big integer calculations and link it into your code.

I wrote a very small code for you that will surely work in case of big numbers-

    $x = gmp_strval(gmp_mul("62574","62574")); // $x="3915505476"
    $mod=gmp_strval(gmp_mod($x,"104659"));  //$mod="2968"

    echo "x : ".$x."<br>";
    echo "mod : ".$mod;

    /* Output:
        x : 3915505476
        mod : 2968

You simply have to use strings for storing big numbers and to operate on them use GMP functions in PHP.

You may check some good GMP functions in the official PHP manual here-