Error using import in .proto file

I tried importing a proto file named test1.proto to another proto file named test2.proto using the import statement

import "com/test/test1.proto";

But i get the following error

com/test/test1.proto: File not found.
test2.proto: Import "com/test/test1.proto" was not found or had errors.

I tried in many ways to find the cause of the import error but couldn't. So could someone please tell me the correct way of doing proto file imports in case there is something wrong with the above statement??

Solution 1:

You have to use the --proto_path command-line flag (aka -I) to tell protoc where to look for .proto files. If you don't provide a path, by default it will only search the current directory. See the documentation (under "Generating Your Classes" at the end of the page), or type protoc --help.

Solution 2:

If you're using IntelliJ IDEA, go to Preferences -> Protobuf Support and add the path to your .proto file. This would resolve the error.