Can't install wine (or ia32-libs) in Ubuntu 12.10 64 bit

Solution 1:

Okay. So I found out what caused my problems. It was probably some PPAs with certain packages that created the dependency issues. While surfing randomly at Askubuntu last night, I came across an answer that fixed my problem.

Here is the answer, just modified so it works for Ubuntu 12.10:

First a downgrade is required and done with the following: create the 'preferences' file:

sudo vi /etc/apt/preferences

and insert the following lines:

Package: *       
Pin: release a=quantal*
Pin-Priority: 2012

enter :wq to write the file. Pin-Priority must be greater than 1000.

Then you may downgrade the offending applications with:

sudo apt-get dist-upgrade

And that was it. Installing wine, crossover and ia32-libs now work. Why this happened when I ran a freshly downloaded 12.10 version of Ubuntu live I don't know and don't understand.

Thank you all for trying to help!

Solution 2:

This drove me crazy as well. I installed Ubuntu 64-bit using plain debootstrap from a 32-bit Ubuntu lucid (booting a newer 64-bit kernel).

After digging through forums and documentation I found out that I had to do:

dpkg --add-architecture i386

(actually I found a page on disabling multiarch and figured out that it was not enabled in the first place)