How well does MS Word 2007 and MS Power Point 2007 work in Wine? [closed]

Solution 1:

playonlinux Install playonlinux

is a piece of software which allows you to easily install and use numerous games and softwares designed to run with Microsoft®'s Windows®.

For Ubuntu, PlayOnLinux is available in the universe repository. If you have this repository enables, you can install it by typing the command:

sudo apt-get install playonlinux

After playonlinux is installed, do the following

  1. Open Playonlinux

    Go to your menu and open Application-->Games-->PlayOnlinux

enter image description here

  1. Click Next
  2. Select from where you will install Microsoft office 2007
  3. enter you Microsoft Office 2007 KEY
  4. Accept the term and conditions then click continue
  5. Click install now to start the installation of Microsoft Office 2007
  6. Create Menu and Desktop shortcuts

Solution 2:

You can find out how well programs run in wine using the AppDB:

  • Word 2007 - Bronze

  • Power Point 2007 - Bronze

On AppDB, software is given one of the following ratings:

  • Platinum (Software will install and run without requiring any extra steps, tricks or workarounds)
  • Gold (Working in all aspects)
  • Silver (Working well)
  • Bronze (Mostly Usable)
  • Garbage (It don't fly too well)

So, they are mostly usable but you may have a few issues.

See this wiki page for detailed information about AppDB.