Where are the startup scripts for Unity Desktop?

I want to run a script as soon as my lightdm authentication succeed, and my Unity starts loading. and i want to run my scripts as a root user.

where are startup scripts located in Unity ?

First put your script into /usr/bin and give execute permission.

Now create .desktop file in /home/[user-name]/.config/autostart/ which run your script which runs at startup.

Example:- Let your filename of script is "example" or "example.sh"

Create .desktop file with gedit with following lines and save as filename.desktop in /home/[user-name]/.config/autostart/

[Desktop Entry]
Exec=sudo example
Comment=Startup Script

Here Exec=sudo example or Exec=sudo example.sh runs your script as a root from /usr/bin Give execute permission to .desktop file.

Now, Script runs on startup.

Another possibility:

Create a file in $HOME/.config/upstart/my-upstart-script.conf

start on desktop-start
stop on desktop-end

  sudo fdisk -l > /home/[user-name]/upstart-test.txt        
end script

Further details to Upstart:



Infos to run sudo without password:

How to run an application using sudo without a password?

How do I run specific sudo commands without a password?

To run a command as root, after login, there is another simple trick:

It takes two steps:

  • create a trigger file on login
  • create a cronjob, run by root (set in /etc/crontab), to run a tiny script (running your command) if and only if the trigger file exists. Since the trigger file is removed by the same script, your command only runs once.

The sequence then is:

USER LOGIN > trigger file is created > cronjob runs script (with your command) and removes trigger file, > next time the script passes, since the trigger file does not exist anymore

The setup

The two small scripts:

One to create the trigger file on login:

touch $HOME/.trigger

and one two run the command:


# don't use $HOME here, since you run it by root

if [ -f $FILE ]; then
   <your command here, run by root>
   rm -f $FILE
  • copy both scripts into two empty files, save them as create_trigger.sh and run_command.sh.
  • For convenience reasons, make them both executable.
  • Add the following command to your Startup Applications (Dash > Startup Applications > Add)

  • Add the following line to the /etc/crontab file (sudo nano /etc/crontab):

    * * * * * root /path/to/run_command.sh

Now the defined command runs a single time within one minute from login.