Adjective that means "snake-like"

Solution 1:

Serpentine is the snake equivalent of bovine.

of or resembling a serpent (as in form or movement)


Serpent - synonym of snake

Wikipedia :

Snakes are elongated, legless, carnivorous reptiles of the suborder Serpentes
All modern snakes are grouped within the suborder Serpentes in Linnean taxonomy,

Whereas Ophidia is a supergroup of lizards and snakes.

Ophidia is a group of squamate reptiles including modern snakes and all snake-like "lizards" closer to snakes than to other living groups of lizards.

I would however likely use reptilian or snake-like for descriptions of behaviour, viz her bovine eyes looked calmly at me

Solution 2:

Phrontistery has a list of suitable words:

ophic of, like or pertaining to serpents
ophidian of or like a snake
ophiomormous snakelike
ophiomorphic shaped like a snake

OED has ophiomorphic Having or resembling the form of a serpent; snakelike, and gives its etymology as deriving from ancient Greek ὄϕις serpent