A word describes the person who tends to stereotype people

Is there a word/adjective (single word) that describes the person who likes consiously or uncousiously to stereotype people? I was thinking that there might be a word such as stereotypist, but such a word does not exist. The word I'm expecting should describe the type of people who are very interested in general backgrounds to prejudge. Of course I eliminate racist as the word I'm looking for includes people who prejudge even based on the gender. The kind of person who asks about age, religion, gender, race or political view before he makes a decision in which corner in his circle will he locate you, no matter how differet/unique you are.

Bigot or prejudiced come to mind. Bigot is a much more negative term, but even prejudiced has mostly negative connotations.

This person is what I would call intolerant. Intolerant people are generally exclusive of others instead of inclusive.