antonym for beneficiary [closed]

Solution 1:

"Obligor" seems to capture the sense you are looking for.

From Oxford Online:

A person who owes or undertakes an obligation to another by contract or other legal procedure

An example from The Code of Federal Regulations of the United States of America, $364.7(c):

Settlements may not be approved as to one joint obligor unless approved as to all obligors, including any other persons who may have previously assumed the debt.

Solution 2:

From Oxford Advance Learner's Dictionary

benefactor /'be-nə-ˌfak-tər/ (noun) (formal)

a person who gives money or other help to a person or an organization such as a school or charity:


friends and benefactors of the hospital

Benefactor sounds like the best word if you are looking for a word with the same root as beneficiary. In other contexts, you can use donor, contributor, or even sponsor.

Solution 3:

I don't know of any standard or legal usage here, but how about (the) disadvantaged ? E.G.:

The beneficiaries of the Affordable Care Act gain in large part at the expense of the (financially) disadvantaged; those who had to pay a higher premium than they otherwise would have before the implementation of the ACT.

(plenty of serviceable synonyms, especially with the use of "financially" before : the burdened, deprived, even shorn...) The only questions are which are formally accepted as nouns, and what connotation are you shooting for.