What's the meaning of 90-plus?

Solution 1:

#-plus is used typically when quantifying something with a rough estimate. Typically, when using the phrase, the implication is that there are at least that many. Using your example, if someone told you there were 90-plus grapefruits, you could likely count on there being at least 90, plus a little more.

Other examples of this might include sports, such as American football, where a player may have run for 100-plus yards. It is not an accurate way of presenting statistics at all, rather more conversational.

Other ways of saying "more than 90" (besides the obvious) include over 90 and greater than 90.

Solution 2:

I think there is a difference in saying "90 plus" and "more than 90".

In most cases "more than 90" infers that the speaker knows the actual number. 90 would then be the minimum number. The speaker might say this to provide a brief estimate, to point out the low end of a spectrum, or maybe as some sort of negotiation ploy (sure there are other reasons).

Then I would infer that "90 plus" means that the speaker is unsure of the actual number but knows that it is more than 90. For instance if you were buying a shirt that was $89.99 in the US you might describe the price as 90 plus. $89.99 plus tax and we aren't sure what the after tax price would be. Also if you are watching a football game and someone asks you how many yards a player has... Well you know he had 90 yards at least 10 minutes ago in the game, so you say "90 plus", because you don't really know beyond 90.